Sunday, August 19, 2007


I am pretty proud to say that I achieved my goal of taking a picture and posting it within the two days I was attempting. Attached is Bob, the sweater from The ribbing at the top looks kind of weird "on the rack", but if you go to knitty you can see a model wearing the garment and I think she looks pretty good. Anyway, it is a gift so hopefully my cousin likes it. I am mailing it off tomorrow so I should find out sometime late this week.

My sock is progressing nicely. I have turned the heel and am working on the gusset and the instep (the top and the bottom of the sock) simultaneously. I have not put the sock on my foot yet, but so far it seems as though a $12 pair of socks is, in fact, worth it. I have really enjoyed using this yarn and I would buy more to make another pair. I might hesitate at buying enough for knee-high socks though. I will let you know how the final sock turns out.

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