Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prayer Shawls continued

I don't have any pictures this week, but my progress has not been great. I have been looking for another skein of Forest Floor to finish off the prayer shawl I got stuck on last weekend and finally found it in one place today. Buy.caron.com. That's the good news. The bad news is that while it is only $4.49 for a 6 oz skein, which is awesome, it is $6.95 for shipping so my 1 ball of yarn is now $12.50. Iam either going to have to put in a larger order (oh darn, lol) or hold off on the prayer shawl. I didn't want to do that since the Sandy Hook tragedy is already a month past, but it may end up waiting a bit.
The other shawl in Celestial is about twice as long as last week's picture and I'm a little over halfway done, but I have had a pinched nerve in my shoulder blade for the past several days and it makes knitting extremely painful. I'm starting to panic because of the deadline, but I'm confident it will all work out.
I also decided to make one more prayer shawl in February for a coworker who had surgery on her foot last week. She does not know I am making it so that will be a nice surprise. I organized a bag of my yarn stash tonight and found a pretty teal color in a 'soft' Red Heart yarn so I may use that. Pictures on my final decision and all projects to come next week!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Prayer Shawls

For the last week I have been working on two prayer shawls that I am trying to finish by the end of the month. Both are being knit up on Size 13 needles with two strands of Caron's Simply Soft. The one in Forest Floor is for the survivors of the Sandy Hook tragedy (a project I am working on through my church, St. Mark's) and the other is in Celestial and is a birthday present. They are knitting up quite fast, which is a relief with such a tight deadline. The official prayer shawl pattern is at www.shawlministry.net, but I finagled it because of the double stranding. I cast on 39 stitches and am knitting the k3, p3 pattern. I also finished a large prayer shawl last night in Lion Brand's Homespun in Edwardian. I still need to sew in the ends and the satin shawl tag. I will try to remember to take a picture before I turn it in next weekend. :)

Mobius Scarf in Homespun

I was a slacker last week and did not post, but I DID get a picture of the other Christmas present I made that I gave away. It is a mobius scarf in Lion Brand's Homespun. I'm not sure of the color because I used leftover yarn from another project to make it, but my best guess is either Colonial or Montana Sky.

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Knitting

You may have thought I dropped off the face of the planet last year. That is because I spent the entire year working on one project. It is a lovely afghan from Red Heart's blog, but I am still not finished with it. I have made a Resolution that in 2013 I will post regularly. Hopefully that means at least weekly. I did make a couple of projects at the end of the year for Christmas presents. One that I gave away already is shown here: 
The link I got the pattern from is: http://www.craftown.com/Viking-Beard-Hat.html. The other I have not given away yet and will post once that happens. In the meantime, I am still working on finishing that afghan and then will return to the peacock shawlette I attempted a couple of years ago. My goal is to post pictures of my current status on a project rather than waiting for it to be complete, which is new (and a bit uncomfortable) for task-oriented me. Hope you like what you see so far!