Thursday, January 24, 2008

How to Spot an OCD Person....

People are always wondering what people who don't have children do with their time. Well, let me tell you. We spend FIVE HOURS, that's right, five, unraveling a stubborn ball of yarn that refuses to unknot itself. It was innocently bound up as a hank and when I gently tried to use my ball winder, it become a veritable Medusa's nest....My back still hurts....Did I mention it was sock yarn? Blast!
The other fun new project I am starting is the other pillow (see post below) to go with the one I knitted for the couch at my book club's store. I cut and pasted their logo into a photo program and then turned it into a chart (with the help of my computer genius husband.) It may sound easy-and that's what I told him-but it took us an hour to do it together. I am still going to have to finagle some of the pattern to get it to look just right.
So I don't have any pictures to post just yet-I haven't been able to get my husband's new ski mask on him. Hello? I asked him if 13 degree weather is not cold enough to wear it, what is? If he doesn't wear it tomorrow-I am SO over January-I know he really just doesn't like it but doesn't want to hurt my feelings. (How many times can you say doesn't in one sentence?) If that is the case, I will reclaim the yarn, i.e. frog, because the "extra" yarn I found was really for the second pillow I am making. Oops!

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