Monday, February 9, 2009

The Ugly Beanie 09/08

I have a friend who is wild and crazy when it comes to fashion. He will wear just about anything, especially if it is loud. In fact, the louder the better. So with winter coming on, he asked me if I could make him a beanie. "Sure," I said, "I'm a regular Ian Johnson." He asked me to make it as ugly as possible and said he would pay me for it. Sweet! A commission with which to further my stash! So with what scraps I had and a non-American pattern, I began to make my first beanie. I have had many people tell me that it is in fact NOT an ugly beanie, and that I am far too OCD to be capable of making an ugly beanie. The sad part is, I still have my first beanie in my possession because I have not been able to get in contact with my friend. In the meantime, judge for yourself and feel free to leave comments on how ugly, and at the same time how successful, it is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The yellow is different but it's not really ugly.